About Us

Our team is comprised of creative and self-confessed from every background you could imagine – Software Developer, Editors, Senior Technical Consultant, Cloud Engineer, small business owners... one of us was even a systems administrator in their past life! Our most powerful asset is that we all want to be here. We have all the tools in our toolbox to cater to the full spread of customer requirements, and the technical knowledge and talent to ensure our work is always of the highest quality.

Our customers range from local businesses that need a boost onto the market, to multinational corporations employing hundreds of people that want to outsource social media in order to concentrate on their industry specialty. Whichever customer you are, we can help propel your company into the digital world with our insatiable appetite for creating powerful social media.

Why Wintek

“Wintek Media Solutions” takes joy in harnessing the collective talents and insights of our experienced and inspired team to forge a stable place in the digital world. We have built a name for ourselves as innovative, trusted, knowledgeable, and always at the leading edge of Software development, Technology, Media and Event Services.

What we do


Video Conference

Live Streaming

Cdn Servers

Website & Apps

Creative Designs



Our Clients

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